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My approach as a "teacher" is to create frameworks and utilize methods that help people build both a world view and self view that create the greatest possibility for them to win their own secrets from the cosmic fabric according to who and what they are.

This often starts with confronting conditioning and cultivating the ability to hear, and understand, life's whispers.

We have to first see and understand where false narratives are being upheld or causing problems. Then we need to learn about the dynamic verb of being a person. This includes aspects of the self, both mundane and magical, that are not based in psychological, pathological, new age, or Christian systems, but natural ones often, but not always, contained in the soul of your own DNA.

We look at working toward alignment with WHAT IS, including skillful understanding of Deep Intelligence and your own wyrd.​

We look at needs and limits as normal. We look at magic, sorcery, the unseen realm, and spirits, including land spirits, the dead, and what one might call deities as normal.

We become skillful with being undone - what I call the often terrifying and disorienting process of letting go of the conditioned self.


We keep an evidence journal to capture the objective phenomenon of the experience of the Deeper Powers, the magic, the Unseen, acting in our lives so we do not need to wrestle with "belief" and/or reality battles between our conditioned self and our own spirit.

This goes on until a person gets the hang of their own rooted and centered knowing and the world itself becomes their teacher.

I do not teach a "right way". I teach how to find your own way. My experience and wisdom interact with that to cultivate and guide you as I listen for which aspect of self is "driving" your perception. This is because it can take time to feel the difference between the conditioned self's perception and the truth. You also need to cultivate the will and other attributes necessary to not have the ignorant, unconscious, and wounded parts of the self running the show.

Along the way you learn accountability and responsibility are crucial for your path to be true.

Once a person is past their own unraveling and are more steady and developed, they make their own way.

I have no idea what any one person's wyrd is or why they are pulled the way they are pulled or what the spirits, or their own spirit, gets up to with them. But I do know the best teachers are Deep Intelligence and the many beings of this world, seen and Unseen. My work is to equip you to connect with that. Then I'm out.

All of my work has embedded in it things that will support an EcoIntelligent view that will help you make your own wild way. 

You can be what you truly are, in this world, and it can be beautiful.
I hope this online community for Witches, healers, and humans serves you well.


I didn’t come here for some soul lesson, to learn something. I came here to heal the chasm between the Seen and the Unseen – to wake humans from the poisonous sleep of their forgetting – to be a beacon in the foul dark to all those that have not truly lost their memory but merely need the loving rage of the Mother to rouse the fiery truth of their own spirit and call them Home.


She looks through my eyes

at you we

both sense Her 


taking up space like


seeping into 

a cold room

she spreads into 

your rib cage as

words spill from me


they spill

I want to tell you

"do not be afraid!"

but I know 

what She does to 

those She loves so

I try to prepare you for

what's coming

every cell in me

sings Her 

calling forth

what you are 

sinking fangs 

into what you 

are not Her 


dissolving your pain into 


so excruciating this


but look


what she does in me for


Her ancient fire

making me the

Dragon Mother 

I stand 

behind you

greedy for any

who try to stop

your holy birth




beautiful flame!"

for you are

not ever


I am grateful to my first teachers, Spider and Wind, for teaching me about energy and for showing me the deep, wondrous beauty of this life. I am grateful to Cedar for giving me the first lesson: to listen. I am grateful to rattlesnake for teaching me about gentleness and power and transmuting poisons. I am grateful to the Dream Teachers who have come to me since I was a child and taught me steadily and profoundly and often with humor. I am grateful to Them the Good Neighbors and profoundly grateful to the Ancestors. I am grateful to Robin Artisson for his work, his brilliance, his devotion, his courage, his integrity, and his dangerous soul - your influence and resources have been life-changing.
and I am grateful beyond words to the beautiful spiritual daughters who have made me the mother that I am- i love you in this life and the next.

Hail the Ancestors! Hail the Disir! Hail the Andedion! Hail the Master of Spirits! Hail the Dragon Mother, Creator of us All!

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