Healing, Vitality, Individuation, Consciousness, Happiness, Light, Warmth, Generosity. The Sun is excellent for those who are too diffuse and lacking enough of a sense of individuated self, including those who over-give, those who are imbalanced with "community", and those who feel invisible or are easily over-taken by others. The Sun planetary pairing brings vitality, enthusiasm, and lightens excess heaviness, dark, and cold.
This pairing was made on Sunday at a solar hour during a waxing moon.
The Planetary Pairings are made using only plants with that planets associations. The joyous wearable oil allows you to penetrate the deeper mysteries of the Sun as you engage the fragrance. The essence allows you to be filled with, and influenced by, the primary force(s) of the Sun.
Directions for use:
OIL: Apply, and deeply inhale, the oil thoughout the day.
ESSENCE: Take 4 drops 4 times per day directly in the mouth or add to water and drink.
Use when courting the Sun, to accopany sorcerous Solar workings, or simply to bring more of the Sun's gifts into your body and life.
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